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Medicreativo Yoga ©

    The Yoga Medicreativo © method, conceived and created by Myriam Vilardi, aka Narayani, aims at personal and spiritual growth. The development of the courses stems from the experience acquired over more than 20 years, through specific skills and studies in the artistic and holistic disciplines.  

    The creative process is fundamental as it allows a complete and different training from the classical schemes, while respecting the fundamental aspects of the various yoga schools. There is no yoga without creativity and creativity without yoga as the two aspects are interconnected with each other. With mental training assisted by the expression of the body flexibility, balance, strength, energy, harmony will be guaranteed in the complete learning of inner freedom. The primary objective is to unite and not to separate, creating stable and lasting energy vibrations through the creativity of the method.  

    The courses are based on clear and precise concepts, divided into thematic modules and three levels of progression: basic, intermediate, advanced. This method is structured in a yoga, meditation and creativity program, nourishing the development of well-being in the three precious components that make up the human essence: body, mind and soul. Therefore, the possibility is offered to discover what is inside one's existence, reflecting and training the material body and the mind, in the joy of appreciating being alive and immersing oneself in the present moment, in the Here and Now. 



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Myriam Vilardi Narayani

I am Narayani and I created

the method

Medicreativo Yoga

which unifies the fundamental elements of Yoga and meditation in a creative way.  




   Myriam Vilardi, aka Narayani, has been an instructor and practitioner of yoga and meditation for more than 20 years. She started practicing this discipline very young, and over time she specialized in different styles of yoga, including: Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Yin yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Shamanic Yoga and Meditation, receiving training from Buddhist masters of different traditions. . The deepening of holistic studies allowed her to progress in her professional training. Recently she specialized in: Master Practitioner in Holistic Techniques from AMOS (Academy of Homeosynergetic Medicine), 1 level Homeosynergetic Kinesiology from Omega Stargate Association, Integral Shamanic Yoga from AISCON (Italian Swiss Association of Counseling), Yogasana Meditation and Dharma study and Mantra from UBI (Italian Buddhist Union), National Diploma with qualification Yoga Gymnastics Instructor from CSEN (National Educational Sports Center). 

He currently teaches in various sports and holistic associations, including the Oxigen Fitness Place group and AMR (Association of Rheumatic Diseases) of Palermo.


Contact me



Tel: 123-456-7890


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